About Waste Heat
Get an overview about typical waste heat sources and main technologies for waste heat recovery.
Waste Heat Potential
Are you interested in how to estimate the waste heat potential in your region?
Waste Heat Toolbox
Do you need more help planning your investment? Here you will find information about funding, experts and best-practice examples.
Waste Heat Maps
The purpose of waste heat cadastres is raising awareness of waste heat energy potential and sources ...

Decision Support System
The Decision Support System (DSS) is a tool which shows how waste heat could be recovered in industrial processes.
Waste Heat Calculator
Even though rejected heat from a number of industrial processes is called waste heat it often contains large amount of energy ...
Some Interesting Facts

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Transnational Waste heat utilization cooperation platform
About Waste Heat

Capture the Energy
Waste heat occurs in almost all mechanical and thermal processes. Sources of waste heat include for example hot combustion gases discharged to the atmosphere, heated water released into environment, heated products exiting industrial processes, and heat transfer from hot equipment surfaces. As such, waste heat sources differ regarding the aggregate state (mainly fluid and gaseous), temperature range, and frequency of their occurrence.
The most significant amounts of waste heat are being lost in the industrial and energy generation processes. The exact amount of industrial waste heat is difficult to quantify, but various studies have estimated that as much as 20 to 50 percent of industrial energy consumption is ultimately discharged as waste heat and that between 18 and 30 percent of this waste heat could be utilized.